When people ask me, "what don't you like about LA?" and oddly, I do get asked that question (people never ask me what I do like about LA, by the way) I always say, "no one drinks wine in this town." Or maybe I should say, "they don't drink wine like my friends in SF do."
Speaking of my friends in SF, shout out to Paul and Frankie, two fabulous wine drinkers. Good time, boys, good times.
The exception to the wine rule in LA is my wonderful friend, the fabulous Mrs. LL. I don't know if she wants her full name printed, so I will simply refer to her as that. Mrs. LL lives in Rancho Palace Verdes (hope I spelled it right, I'm still new to town) and is having a wine and food tasting this weekend, to which I'm invited. We are going to gorge ourselves on wine and food. Okay, to be precise, some will gorge themselves on food, me and Mrs. LL are going to gorge ourselves on wine. Red wine, white wine, maybe even some blush. I'm just so darn excited. I haven't been this excited about anything since April 6 and 7 when I got to see Bruce Springsteen live. And by the way, I'll be seeing him August 19 on the East Coast. I can't even think about that I'm too excited. I seriously may pee my pants if I think about it too much.
In a year marked with divorce, possible lay-offs, Hillary losing the nomination, recession (THERE IS A RECESSION. IT IS NOT MENTAL, but people who think there is no recession are mental, to be perfectly clear) and during a time when I felt compelled to buy and read, "How to Deal with Assholes in the workplace," Wine and Bruce are seriously all I have to be happy about. So Let the Dogs on Main Street Howl (Bruce reference) it's a wine lovers weekend thanks to Mrs. LL.
I can hear the corks popping now. Ahhhh.