I'm loving the buzz about the Sarah Palin clip that got cut from the televised interview with Katie Couric: she couldn't name a Supreme Court case other than Roe Vs. Wade. How about Gore Vs. Bush? Bowers Vs. Hardwick? Scott Vs. Sandford? Or the Exxon Valdez?
Hello, Gov. Palin? This is your own backyard calling. . .
September 30, 2008
September 24, 2008
I Never Liked Obama Until Today
When he rebuffed McCain for postponing the debate and said, "It's the president's job to deal with more than one thing at a time" (I paraphrase) I suddenly, finally almost liked him. God, McCain, grow some hair on those chicken nuggets, will you? You aren't going to solve our financial crisis this week so let's see some debatin' this Friday!
September 12, 2008
Thou Shall Not Covet thy Neighbor's Huntin' Gun
In the ABC interview, Sarah Palin proved what Democrats know: she's not ready to serve as President if she has to. But she also proved that Republicans know how to win a campaign--and winning is everything in an election. She uses words they want to hear: Morals and Hero. She speaks in sound bites. Her message is short, fiery and all about God and patriotism. How could the republicans not love her? Throw in a special needs baby and oh. my. God. John McCain made a brilliant choice.
So how does Obama and Biden counter this? They have to get more comfortable with the language of morality. They have to forget about their own base, or rather the base has to rally round them in this scary effort to appeal to the dumbasses out there who put morals above something like say, staying out of war.
The hypocrisy of it all is overwhelming. The Heartland is obsessed with morality, but who is living by the principles they covet? More so, they don't even know they aren't living the talk; or at least they won't admit it. They turn to the Bible for guidance, and they see those Ten Commandants and yeah, they aren't that interested in some of them like I Shall Not Lie, or I Shall Not Covet my Neighbor's Wife (if you saw my neighbor's wife, buddy, you wouldn't have a problem). Of course, the Bible has shortcomings. It left out some necessary commandants like, "Thou shall not honk at that petite Blond in West Hollywood because I think she is driving too slow," or, "Thou shall not dress like a complete slut and flirt with men who are taken," or, "Thou shall simply try to be more considerate of other people's feelings and not put 'me first.'" Me First, as I have mentioned before, is the True Republican mantra.
The truth for Obama is that if he wants to win this election, he needs to pander to the hypocrites out there who act like complete assholes at work and run roughshod over their kids and co-workers, but who crow loudly about what a great gal that Palin woman is, she's a good woman, a fine patriot, and no one, I mean, no one, has more patriotism than John McCain. That may all be true. But they are also going to raise my taxes and lower the taxes on those that can actually afford to have their taxes raised. They are going to drill for more oil instead of aggressively pursuing alternatives, and, they'll keep shoving morality down our throats, while frankly, morality sounds nice, but have you ever tried to spend a Friday night with it?
September 11, 2008
Banning the Wife of Bath
I don't know if this is true, but supposedly, Sarah Palin tried to ban Canterbury Tales from the Wasilla Library when she was mayor.
Okay, so the Snow Mobile wife of Wasilla tried to ban the Wife of Bath? What's wrong, did Chaucer go and write a strong female character?
Like I said, I don't know if it's true or not, but please. Banning Chaucer? Seriously? Chaucer?
What are you gonna do?

What are you gonna do?
You are going to post a photo of the Boss, take a deep breath, and remember that sometimes, there is magic in the world.
September 06, 2008
Sanity First
I am soooooooooo sick of hearing the Republicans chant USA! USA!. I was listening to a speech of Palin's and, I forget what exactly she said that stirred this, but the crowd erupted into, "USA, USA." God, they sounded like an overgrown Pep Squad. Then there is the whole, "Country First," thing that they have been throwing in our face. I assume this is in reference to the Democrats' signs at their convention touting Unity.
I'm sorry, Republicans, but you have to forgive the Democrats. They had two candidates that were vastly different from anything your party offered and the party lines were split basically 50/50. They wanted Unity so they could whip your whacakdoo asses.
By promoting Country First, are you solving our dependency on oil? I don't think Drill Now counts. Short term solutions don't solve the problem, but hey, it does put more money in the oil companies' pockets. And by McCain's promise to tax the middle-class (more), sure, that abates the fear of the wealthy 5% that they may have to let loose of their money on something like better roads, instead of say, a more expensive car for themselves. I don't see any of the promises that McCain has made to be about anything other than "Me First," fitting the goals of the wealthiest Republicans.
Granted, Obama has a strategy seemingly based on "hope," but if I don't trust him, I at least trust the fundamentals of the Democratic party, which are not a Me First philosophy.
September 05, 2008
Biden vs. Palin
In my earlier post, I said that Biden could handle Palin and didn't need help from Hillary, or for that matter, any other female democrat. I heard him speak this morning on CNN. He really comes across as a warm, affable, COMPETENT leader.
More importantly, there isn't all the media coverage about his misdoings. Sure, there was the plagiarism thing (okay, in college, I called that getting an A) but he doesn't have any fired ex in-laws in his closet, nor has he oddly boasted of selling a plane on eBay. Evidently, Palin stretched the truth a little. She placed the plane on eBay. A broker sold it -- at a loss.
The bulldog with lipstick is going to be under a heck of a lot of scrutiny in the upcoming weeks, much, much, much more so than Biden or Obama put together.
I keep talking to all these people who think McCain is a sure winner with these election. I am constantly surprised. It's almost as if he wants to lose. I am still scratching my head over his pick of her.
Also, I'm salivating till the debate between Palin and Biden. This is better than "Days of Our Lives."
Obama to Dispatch Hillary to Counter Palin
What? According to the latest news, Obama is sending Hillary out in to the Wilds of Florida to counter Palin. Okay, that is like sending Jesus out to counter a secretary in a governmental office. Yes, I just compared Hillary to Jesus. I told you I loved her, so get passed it. Seriously, though, does Obama really think that anyone who would potentially vote for him would need to be convinced that Palin is not someone we would want to potentially lead the free world?????? That's a big waste of quality Hillary time. It's insulting! I know Hillary is going to do it because she's a team player, but MY GOD, the insults to her do not stop. First she's not nominated because people think that, as a woman she can't beat Obama, then, they have to belittle her by basically equating her with this slug from Alaska? Hillary is a true leader. Palin has overactive ovaries. Please!
You want to counter Palin? Fine, send out Joe Biden. That's apples to apples, or VP to VP. It's his job and he can do it just fine, thank you.
September 03, 2008
Oh For God's Sakes
Seriously, the Republicans need to shut up. They need to stop drinking the same kool-aid. And they really need to stop chanting, "USA, USA," at their convention, and evoking God, and shoving signs in the camera that say, "Country First."
Kiss my ass. I hate Obama and now I'm gonna have to vote for him because you all are soooo out of control. Thanks. Thanks a lot. I was hoping to stay home and sit this one out, but no, you are all riled up and God knows when you nut bags will start burning books and crosses and getting us in another war.
As your buddy Rudy would say, "Look out." How prophetic.
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