These days, I’m hearing a lot about “these days.” It seems rampant on TV shows in particular. You hear lines like, “these days, people don’t have a lot to be happy about.” Or, “People are angry these days.” A yoga magazine I read even said something about “these days,” in a recent article, where a yoga instructor was lamenting that her students are feeling frustrated about the state of the nation “these days.”
Please. Enough with these days. Something like 70% of the country now hates Bush and his administration. To that steadfast 30% I have something to say: Well, I may disagree with you, but when the going gets tough, at least you stick to your guns.
Before you swallow your tongue and wonder if ol’ Binx is recanting everything nasty she ever said about Bush, never fear. I hate the man and for the life of me, I can’t figure out why anyone voted for him, much less would still support him, but I find it refreshing when people have convictions, much less stick to them, no matter how much I disagree with said convictions or think those people are nuts.
What I want is for the people who voted for Bush, and who now regret it, to freaking apologize and take some responsibility for their negligence. People who vote Republican just for the sake of voting Republican are just as bad as someone who votes Democrat for the sake of being Democrat. Seriously, the only reason to vote Democrat is to beat the Republicans. Oh come on, I’m having some fun.
The situation our country finds itself in “these days,” is not just W’s fault, or Cheney’s. Okay, it’s mainly the former-evil genius Rove’s fault, but that’s not my point. If you voted for Bush, you have only yourself to blame. So instead of bitching about how awful he is (hello, that is so pre-Katrina) get involved in the political process, learn the facts and next time, try to vote better. Which won’t be hard since anyone is better than what we’ve got.
My husband, who is a Republican-in-denial (he just won’t admit it) would like for me to add the following, though he could have voted against Bush in the last election as now is a little late to be bitching about W. Here’s what he says: “All this money we are spending on the War in Iraq is forcing the banks to raise interest rates and hurting the middle-class.”
Hell, I don’t know if hubby is right, I only know that I need him to go mow the lawn and paint the baseboards in the house. But since he’s suddenly jumped on the “Bush is an arrogant failure” bandwagon, I thought I’d pass the message along. Now that I think of, he hasn’t apologized for not voting for Kerry.
Oh, dear. Hubby is still ranting as I blog this. Something about if Congress really reported to the people, they would impeach these “GD idiots.” Okay, now he’s sipping his tequila so I think he’s okay. I’ll sign off for today.