My cat has herpes. Before you start thinking my cat is yet another hobag in Las Vegas, it’s not that kind of herpes. Poor kitty has conjunctivitis, brought on by some sort of stress-induced herpes virus -- sort of like shingles, except it's for cats and it happens to their eyes. I had to go to Orlando for work last week, and Sammy Davis, Jr., my cat, does not like it when I’m gone. He is going to freak tomorrow when hubby and me pack our bags and head off to Asia for a week. Most people have jobs that kill them. I have a job that kills my cat.
The vet says this is very common in cats. They have one particular eye that swells and gets runny. It can happen on a regular basis, several times a year. Then she told me that my cat has an especially strong emotional attachment to me, and that it’s not unusual that he would have an attack when I am gone.
Speaking of stressed-out cats . . . I went with some co-workers to Disney World one night when I was in Orlando. We had champagne at the French section. Then, feeling a bit tipsy, we started to head back to the monorail. It was dark by now. All of sudden, I noticed that all the kids, and there were billions of them, were glowing. They were some wearing freaky night glow necklaces and some yielding night-glow sticks. One girl had a night-glow butt. No lie. It was odd. Strange. It wasn’t a small world. It was a freaky-glowing kids world. I did the only thing I could do. I screamed. It was a sincere scream. My co-workers thought I was having a panic attack. Maybe I was. Kids glowing. Wouldn’t you panic?
And they kept running into me, like they were the ones who were drunk. That’s when I noticed it: Kids act like they are drunk. Maybe that’s why I never liked them. I get scared just thinking about that night.
I'll blog again when I return from Asia, where hopefully the children are not glowing. Or drunk.