Sometimes, Americans do embarrassing things. Pfizer is often behind it. They recently came out with diet drugs for dogs. Evidently, not only are we getting fatter, but so are our dogs.
Okay, that does it. Put down the hot dog. Throw it away. Do not give it to you dog.
Diet pills have side-effects, hasn't anyone heard. I know. I've taken them. I'm more wired with diet pills than a coke-head at midnight. Once, after popping one in an attempt to shed five pounds, which has now become fifteen pounds, someone said to me, "Your eyes look so hollow I think I can see the back of your head." Then they asked me if I was okay. I showed them my pills. They backed away gently.
If you are tempted to put Fido on diet pills, don't. Walk Fido, and in the process, hopefully, you'll both get skinnier asses.