The media has done a sufficient job in recent weeks completing exposing and blasting Sarah Palin. Today, the LA Times wrote a story that, in my opinion, is Pulitzer worthy. The story was about Fly-Over bands: bands big in those states that those of us in California could care less about, except when they do something insane like help elect George W. Bush. These bands mingle Hard Rock, Christian Rock (a scary combo) and Country Pop.
Translation: this is very awful music that should be ignored. Nonetheless, a tidbit was revealed that has, for once an for all, put Sarah Palin's brain into perspective. She is a huge Van Halen fan, so much so, that she gave her son Trig the middle name of Van. Yep. Van Palin.
Trig, by the way, was named after Trigger, the horse.
Okay, that's not true about the horse. At least I think it's false. With her, who knows?