July 04, 2005

Happy 4th! Now Run for Cover

Sandra Day O’Conner’s resignation can only mean one thing: W is gonna appoint a big jackass.

Why wouldn’t he? What swell person has W ever appointed? He doesn’t even know swell people, except, maybe his wife (and I have my suspicions about her. If she’s so wonderful, why the heck is she married to him?)

I had a dinner party last night – actually, that’s another blog. Last night was the night I fixed up Miss Paris with the doctor – and all six of my guests were democrats, the only six in the state of Nevada in fact. I asked everyone what they thought W would do, and they all agreed, we can kiss Roe v. Wade goodbye and say hello to a bevy of new laws aimed at destroying privacy rights. Oh I know, we’re negative doomsayers. It’s not like since Bush has been in office new laws have gone into effect, like, the Patriot Act, or the government’s ability to take away your home to build a park for crack babies, or even that the government is considering doing things like, monitoring blogs. Oh I’m just kidding, those things have totally happened!

So, this Fourth of July weekend, donate some money to your local planned parenthood, write a blog blasting the President, and get really drunk. Do all those things while you still can. God bless America. Seriously, God. We need it.