September 27, 2006

Jesus and Muhammad - Gay?

Okay, just a thought: both Jesus and Muhammad are control freaks- check out their biographies if you don't agree. They are both very picky about what you wear, think and do.

Oh. My. god (pardon the pun): Jesus and Muhammad must be gay!

It makes total sense.

No offense to homosexuals. They deserve better than religious comparisons, but honestly, I think the two leaders of modern theology were total girlfriends. It's such divine retribution for the gays, and if religion has taught us anything, it is retribution.

I only wish the dynamic duo's followers had the good taste of gays. Of course, if you compare in-the-closet homosexuals to religious fanatics, there is such little difference. Except religious fanatics cant' dress to save their souls.

Jesus and Muhammad: gays. Nothing in my life has ever made more sense. Not brown eye shadow, not collagen, not fiber supplements, and not even Gilmore Girls. This explains everything. Whew! What a relief.

I can now sleep at night.