I was pissed at the terrorists for many reasons: they are assholes, they are bores, they are all going to burn in hell if there is a hell and since there is probably not one, big HA on you boys because there won't be any 71 virgins when you die. Much has been said on terrorism since 2001, and even before that, but no one has said it quite this way: terrorism is very passe. You did that, now move on. Think of fresher ways to be insidious without killing people. Put them in therapy after a good-long berating, or become the head of a financial institution and lay off a bunch of people and destroy EVERYONE'S retirement. Oh, and side note to the terrorist ASS who told us all over the holiday to just resort to Islam and our financial woes will go away: BITE ME. I'd rather be poor than religious ANYDAY. I'm not above shopping at Target, you wing-nut freak.
Anyway, as I was saying the terrorists pissed me off for many reasons, but mainly, I want my president-elect news to return. What the hell was Obama thinking two seconds ago? I wanna know. Oh, another side note: Can you not wait for Hillary to take over as Secretary of State? Listen up, Terrorists, you think she is going to put up with your acts of terrorism? Listen, she's a woman who has been cheated on, i.e, she's pissed. She's eternally pissed. And she takes it out on people. She's got a chip on her should the size of Islam and she is going to KICK YOUR ASS.
So next time you Islamic freaks run around killing innocent people, think about this: people in LA are shallow. We are too busy trying to get a parking spot at Barny's to care about your Jihad. And when we are not shopping, we are watching CNN because we want to know what Obama is up to now. We are dying for him to take over, and I'm, in particular, about to pee my pants for Hillary to take over her new role, because she is going to open a large can of WHOOP ASS on your freaky little heads.