December 28, 2004

Get out of my sandbox

Democrats hate republicans and republicans hate Democrats. We all know that. We also know (at least the Dems) that ever since Clinton ended the republican's 12 year regime in the White House, the grand old party has had a "get out of my sandbox mentality." Granted, Democrats do some pretty absurd stuff, and they don't know how to market there own party (hint: some of you limo liberals out there need to fund a GOP marketing guru to come over to our side - those guys know how to build brand loyalty.)

I lack certain qualities when it comes to making a point. I'm not really much of a writer (I just enjoy doing it), and my attention span is too short to do proper research. So it makes me happy when I can point out a web posting that says exactly what I would like to say. To that end, here is Michael Moore's post on abusive republicans. If it offends you, you're probably republican and you may not want to read this blog.