December 25, 2004

Happy Holiday, and by the way, Jesus was a liberal!

He wore Birkenstock knock-offs and a dress. He had long hair and a beard. His main gal pal was a hooker. Face it: Jesus was a liberal. What would Jesus do? He wouldn't have voted for George W, that's for sure.

Evidently, members of the Christian Right are a bit peeved that Merry Christmas is the politically incorrect greeting this time of the year, and must be replaced with the more neutral Happy Holiday. By the way, etymology of holiday is, um, HOLY DAY, so therefore, anyone who thinks that it's offensive to Christians to have to say Happy Holiday is wrong. It gets the same point across. Here's a great article from that covers the whole Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday Jews versus Christian Right thing. Unfortunately, I'm so new to blogging that I haven't figured out how to link without copy and pasting the entire web address yet. Sorry.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and sleep tight.