February 08, 2005

A kinder gentler, oh never mind.

Is it just me, and it’s highly likely that it is, but is Condoleezzzz(snore) Rice missing the point big time?

"It is time to open a new chapter in our relationship and a new chapter in our alliance," Rice told Paris' Institute of Political Studies as she defended W’s foreign policy in hostile territory, such as San Francisco.

"America stands ready to work with Europe on our common agenda, and Europe must stand ready to work with America," she said.

What common agenda? The Europeans aren’t thumping bibles and declaring freedom or else. And what is this whole thing about Europe must stand ready to work with America. They must? Damn, Condi, now that’s reaching out!

Rice's French counterpart, Foreign Minister Michel Barnier, later delivered double-edged thanks. After meeting with Rice, Barnier told reporters, "It's time to get off to a new start," but he added that "alliance is not the same as allegiance."

When W heard this, he raised his toy laser gun to the TV screen, and said in his best Borg-like voice, “Resistance is futile.”

Rice did not engender any goodwill during W’s first term when she said the United States should "punish France, ignore Germany and forgive Russia" for their opposition to the invasion.” Well, the ignore Germany part was kind of funny, but forgive Russia? What a kiss ass! There’s more money in Dubai. Let’s cozy up to them, make them our best pal.

She did not back down from Bush's call last month in his inauguration speech to spread freedom across the globe, a challenge perceived as arrogant or naive on some European opinion pages. Well, “perceived” may be the wrong word. They thought he was a jackass.

"History will surely judge us not by our old disagreements but by our new achievements," Rice said.

Like screwing up social security even more, decreasing funding to places like housing for the disabled, raising the bar when it comes to dividing the country, and God only knows what other new achievements they have in store for us.