February 10, 2005

Republicans to Reid: get out of our sandbox!

Senate Democrats are circling the wagons around Sen. Harry Reid. The RNC distributed a 13-page compilation of criticisms, dissecting Reid's voting record and accusing him of obstructing Bush's agenda over the years, meaning he doesn’t agree with Bush on every single point, like world domination, abolishing civil liberties, and blowing up free speech.

One portion of the document notes that the Nevada lawmaker lives in a expensive condominium when he is in Washington. Republicans, the document noted, would NEVER do anything like that.

The attacks are reminiscent of the treatment Daschle received for many months while he was Senate Democratic leader. They aren’t quite as bad as the attacks the Republicans launched against Clinton for the eight years in the White House, but the RNC has other things to worry about like launching their smear campaign against whoever will be the 2008 Democratic candidate.

“You can never start too early,” said a source close to Bush.

In response to allegations that he is behind these attacks, W said, “I am not and you can’t prove it. Daddy, tell them they can’t prove it.”