February 15, 2005

Rhymes with Guck

Much has been made of the Guckert/Gannon access to the White House briefings. The right is mad because the left has made a big deal of it. Those crazy bastards on the left are always making a big deal out of something, right? Of course, the left is mad because the White House planted a non-journalist from a phony news organization in the press room to ask really easy questions, like how was dinner with Jesus last night? (W and Jesus have a personal relationship, so I figure they must have dinner together.)

Fine. As usual we have our typical partisan fighting. But this time, the Democrats really are right (pardon the pun). The National Debate made a big deal out of the fact that some Dems were in a tizzy that Guckert used a pseudonym. Well, I would too if my name were Guckert. I’d have changed my name to Jeff Gannon in preschool if I were him. But even the craziest of Dems have not taken their eye off the big picture. Why was this guy in the press room? What the hell? Bush won the next four years and he sure is showing his true colors. He’s never liked the press because sometimes they ask him hard questions, like “what weapons of mass destruction?” Or they have the temerity to challenge him, like, “But, sir, there were no weapons of mass destruction.”

I’ll take Clinton and his cigar-stomping intern any day over a President who wants phony journalists planted in the white house to make sure he gets asked first date type of questions. Mr. President, if you want a fake journalist, hell, invite me to the press room. I’ve got some questions for you.