With the one year anniversary of Katrina approaching us, there has been much talk in the media about the problems that still linger in New Orleans. Having family in NOLA, this is one topic that has personal meaning to me. So for today's post, I've uploaded a photo to Lablogda that represents two icons of people behaving badly. A baby (especially when they are on planes or in restaurants) and George W. Bush, the posterboy of the Katrina disaster. To be fair, babies have nothing to do with the Katrina disaster, except of course those that were affected by the flooding and resulting chaotic aftermath.
Bush, while not solely responsible, sure didn't help matters. Remember the image of him strumming guitar in San Diego during that time? Remember Heckofajob Brownie? Those were just the minor infractions. His approval rating took a plunge and a year later is still hovering around the 30% mark. He wasn't alone in his folly: the flood devastated the city and unrooted local, state and federal governments flaws. The only person who came out of Katrina a winner was Anderson Cooper.