November 03, 2006

I Hate the Chinese Government

Can someone tell me what China is good for? They have a superior race complex, their government is greedy, corrupt and frankly, their attitude towards women is third-world. And pork knuckles and jellyfish may be a delicacy to them, but my Southern grandma would have called is slop and fed it to the yard dogs.

I have to work with the Beijing government on a trade show that we want to do in a week, and in the last five days, our packages for the show can't clear customs. We were asked to fill out forms, massive forms, which was done promptly. Then tonight at 8:00 (Friday!) I get a call at home from one of the contacts over there saying there is an error in the form, they won't tell me what, and that we have to resubmit them. And by the way, we also have to pay 3K to get the boxes released because of all these last minutes "fees" they have, which amount to nothing more than blackmail.

When I think of Beijing, I think of tanks running over students. I think of grime and graft. I think of men with small penises and women who are either submissive or dragon ladies - both reactions to the men with small penises. I think of bok choy, the only vegetable that smells worse than cabbage. Now, add to that, I think of the most inefficient, bumbling yet some however evil government officials -- Barney Fife meets Damien -- I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. Thank you, China, for making me proud to be an American. Get Toby Keith on the phone, we are going to sing a duet.

I have suggested to my boss that we not pay the fees and walk away from the show, not paying them another dime. Asia is huge, and it is a great market to explore if you have the stomach. Me, I'm still on antacid from my last show in Asia 6 weeks ago.