April 24, 2005

Spain: the New West Hollywood

Spain’s lower house of Parliament has given homosexuals the A OK to marry and adopt screaming brats. Damn! That country is more Catholic than your local St. Mary’s, yet they manage to do something progressive. Meanwhile, US Democrats are digging in their heels and saying no to God-Squading conservatives who want to put scary judges on the bench and turn us all into cookie-cutter Christians.

Thinking about this makes me miss the Seventies. We were more like the Spanish back then, a more liberal, open nation. Carter was in office, and yes, the country was in a recession, but both rock and roll and disco were thriving and punk was just emerging on the scenes. People were dancing machines, whether it was the hustle or moshing. Hair was long (on guys), women were talking liberation and equal rights, and everyone was drinking crappy wine with screw tops. Sure, we had bad taste, but we were so much more fun back then. We had fun the way, say, the Spanish are notorious for having a good time.

America, try to be more Spanish and get over the gay thing. They are queer and they are here. And if we can’t do that, let’s at least have a full-out push to return to the true good old days where everyone was easy-going because we were polluted in one form or another.