June 18, 2005

Media Wusses on Downing Street

The media should be all over the Downing Street Memo like Michael Jackson on a drunk 8 year old. I watched the three big cable news networks this morning and there wasn’t one word about it. They were too busy still talking about the Jackson trial and force-feeding us the usual warnings of new Al Queda threats.

Maybe they are afraid of another Dan Rather-like mishap, or Newsweek and the case of the flushed Quran. It’s too bad because there was more coverage given to Clinton’s intern and her neat cigar tricks, than is given to the fact that the leader of the free world built a marketing strategy around the war in Iraq. I’m in marketing and I’m getting tired of the Bush administration misusing my chosen profession for their evil purposes. Will somebody in the media please grow some balls and expose this administration for once and for all? Or are you leaving it up to bloggers?