January 22, 2006

When Primary Colors Happen to Good People

There is much I could blog about for my first post in many weeks. Israel is walking on egg shells (what's new?), Al Queda is making threats (what's new?), W's ratings have dragged down the Republicans (God, are your really there?). But with all that is going on in the world, I feel I need to make my blog comeback writing about something that really bothers me. People who wear clothes that aren't black. Or gray. Or some nice neutral tone.

If God had intended grown-ups to wear baby blue and pink, he wouldn't have created drab white robes for his boy Jesus to wear.

Last night, I went to the tackiest casino in Vegas, the Suncoast. I went to see Walk the Line, a movie about that great wearer of black, Johnny Cash. Good movie by the way. I suffered right along with Johnny (or Joaquin Phoenix) when his first wife said, "must you wear black?" Thank God he divorced that southern chunk of cotton candy.

As we left the casino, I looked around and saw drunk, overweight people in baby blue, purple, red, green, anything but black. Often, people ask me if I'm going to a funeral because I have a fabulous habit of wearing black. My idea of color is gray. Let me tell you something, if more people wore black, the world would look better, and Republicans would be tolerable. Don't ask me what black has to do with that, I just know that I can tolerate a conservative in all black much better than I can tolerate a conservative in peach. They are just less annoying.

Let me put it to you another way. Unless you are Kate Moss, you are not thin enough to wear anything other than black. Black also looks good against any skin tone, so pasty people look good, too. So face it, you just aren't pretty enough to wear color. Stick to black. Johnny did, and look at him. They've gone and made a movie about his life.