Anyone who knows me, knows I love Hillary Clinton. I always have. It used to (and still does!) burn me up when other women, especially, criticized her. She's a role model for God's sakes! She's a Yale Grad who put up with a cheating husband and became a state senator! She made the idea of universal health coverage mainstream when no one else succeeded. She bakes cookies! She has goals, and she sticks to them. I doubt I can even stick to the goal of ranting in this blog post because, what was I saying? . . .
A gal once told me she thought Hillary was "stupid." I seriously thought I was going to have to kick her ass. She was bigger than me, though, and I'm a coward that way. I did say, "she must be smarter than us, look at this hell hole we work in." I had her there. Of course, today she's an Obama supporter.
I've rolled up my sleeves and threatened to take both ladies and gents down for messing with Hillary. I defend her the way a Texan defends Texas. According to early results in the primary, Obama has already won North Carolina (Hillary's lead in Indiana is narrowing. Cue me opening wine and taking Valium as I bite my nails and wait for her to hopefully wine). Anyway, not only has Obama won North Carolina, with this primary, he has officially now won the entire South. So to Southern Democrats I have one thing to say: I'm one of you, more or less. I'm Southern by birth and in case you haven't noticed, I'm a democrat. So now y'all stop supporting Obama and start supporting my gal, Hil. Let me put this in terms you can understand: if she loses this nomination, I wouldn't put it past her to come down South and one by one, open a can of whoop ass on OB supporters. And if she is the candidate, are you going to let McCain win because you can't tolerate a strong woman? Oh, and don't give me that Iraq crap. Yes, she voted for the war. As I recall, most Americans except for me and a few cranky comedians supported war back then. Most people drank the Bush/Cheney kool-aid. We don't know how Obama would have voted because he wasn't in office. Even he has said he don't know how he would have voted.
I've watched and listened, and two kinds of people hate Hillary: 1) Republicans, and there's nothing you can do about that, and, 2) people who don't like strong women, even if they say they do. I know Hillary is brash and annoying at times, but she's smart, she knows her stuff. Ask her a question and she'll give you an answer. You might not like the answer, but for the life of me, I have yet to figure out OB's message. Hope? Here's my hope: I hope Hillary is our next president.
The AP did a poll recently that showed that Hillary would beat McCain by 9 points, OB would beat him by 2. So Hillary can beat McCain by a bigger margin. Maybe it's all too close for comfort, but why are people still rooting for her to pull out? OB is beating her by a hair, and today that hair got shaved a bit more.
So this is all a long way of saying that I'm happy Hillary is still hanging in there, and if it goes to the convention, fine. All Democrats, myself included, need to just simply vote for whoever is the candidate in the end. The other choice is McCain, and seriously, a hissy fit over your democratic candidate losing is not worth another four years of a Republican. I mean, this last one has done such a good job. . . .hey, he's #1 in disapproval ratings! That reminds me of the time that Mississippi was named the fattest state in the country. I told my pal Robby, "Hey, we're #1!" Always spin to the positive.
So I'll conclude my rant by saying that if MCain wins, knowing that most people think she stands a better chance of beating him that OB, then I'm joining Hillary on her whoop ass trip. I Hope y'all are happy.