You want to counter Palin? Fine, send out Joe Biden. That's apples to apples, or VP to VP. It's his job and he can do it just fine, thank you.
September 05, 2008
Obama to Dispatch Hillary to Counter Palin
What? According to the latest news, Obama is sending Hillary out in to the Wilds of Florida to counter Palin. Okay, that is like sending Jesus out to counter a secretary in a governmental office. Yes, I just compared Hillary to Jesus. I told you I loved her, so get passed it. Seriously, though, does Obama really think that anyone who would potentially vote for him would need to be convinced that Palin is not someone we would want to potentially lead the free world?????? That's a big waste of quality Hillary time. It's insulting! I know Hillary is going to do it because she's a team player, but MY GOD, the insults to her do not stop. First she's not nominated because people think that, as a woman she can't beat Obama, then, they have to belittle her by basically equating her with this slug from Alaska? Hillary is a true leader. Palin has overactive ovaries. Please!