In the ABC interview, Sarah Palin proved what Democrats know: she's not ready to serve as President if she has to. But she also proved that Republicans know how to win a campaign--and winning is everything in an election. She uses words they want to hear: Morals and Hero. She speaks in sound bites. Her message is short, fiery and all about God and patriotism. How could the republicans not love her? Throw in a special needs baby and oh. my. God. John McCain made a brilliant choice.
So how does Obama and Biden counter this? They have to get more comfortable with the language of morality. They have to forget about their own base, or rather the base has to rally round them in this scary effort to appeal to the dumbasses out there who put morals above something like say, staying out of war.
The hypocrisy of it all is overwhelming. The Heartland is obsessed with morality, but who is living by the principles they covet? More so, they don't even know they aren't living the talk; or at least they won't admit it. They turn to the Bible for guidance, and they see those Ten Commandants and yeah, they aren't that interested in some of them like I Shall Not Lie, or I Shall Not Covet my Neighbor's Wife (if you saw my neighbor's wife, buddy, you wouldn't have a problem). Of course, the Bible has shortcomings. It left out some necessary commandants like, "Thou shall not honk at that petite Blond in West Hollywood because I think she is driving too slow," or, "Thou shall not dress like a complete slut and flirt with men who are taken," or, "Thou shall simply try to be more considerate of other people's feelings and not put 'me first.'" Me First, as I have mentioned before, is the True Republican mantra.
The truth for Obama is that if he wants to win this election, he needs to pander to the hypocrites out there who act like complete assholes at work and run roughshod over their kids and co-workers, but who crow loudly about what a great gal that Palin woman is, she's a good woman, a fine patriot, and no one, I mean, no one, has more patriotism than John McCain. That may all be true. But they are also going to raise my taxes and lower the taxes on those that can actually afford to have their taxes raised. They are going to drill for more oil instead of aggressively pursuing alternatives, and, they'll keep shoving morality down our throats, while frankly, morality sounds nice, but have you ever tried to spend a Friday night with it?