March 15, 2005

Fairy Tales

Hold on to your Miata’s, it’s not enough that Tinky Winky and Sponge Bob Square Pants have a queer eye for cartoon guys, now Snow White’s posse has been outed. During the 2004 holiday season, Marshall Field’s employed a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs theme, but the Chicago-born retailer received some complaints that it was promoting the homosexual lifestyle, an executive said recently.

The concerned citizens believed that there was a "hidden gay agenda" in Field's theme "because seven men were living together," Gregory Clark, vice president of creative services for Field's in Minneapolis, told an audience recently at a Retail Advertising & Marketing Association conference in Chicago.

Does this mean "The Monkees," that fab show from the sixties, were gay because they lived together? Do shows like “The Apprentice” promote a gay lifestyle because they force the guys to room with the guys and the gals with the other gals? Are the three little pigs gay? Fortunately, there are good Christian groups everywhere to out everyone from gay cartoon characters to childhood bedtime stories. I need to run now to do some research on two more suspicious characters: Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd. What’s up doc? Sounds like a gay pick-up line to me.