March 06, 2005

Jesus and Firearms?

We saw Bill Maher perform last night at the House of Blues here in Vegas. Bill had his usual anger and bite-to-the-marrow remarks about W, which the audience loved (no Red State people there). He said something, though, that is so obvious I wonder why no one has brought this up before: Why do Republicans lump Jesus and firearms together? It’s not like he carried one. It doesn’t say in the Bible, “And, thus, Jesus shot a buck between the eyes and declared it good.”

Maher made a lot of good points. For example, fundamentalists take the Bible, literally, right? So a woman was created from a man’s rib. We had poisonous apples and a global flood, plus some dude lived to 900. Then there were the three pigs and the wolf. Wait, that one is a fairy tale. No one believes in fairy tales. Maher’s point is that the Bible is one big fairy tale, yet grown adults believe it. The world was created in seven days, it’s true, but there is no Santa Claus. So if you want to win the lottery, just ask Jesus. He’ll help you out.

As an aside to all this, after the show finished, we went to a nearby restaurant to have a drink with our friends. Halfway through my cosmo I looked up and there was Bill Maher walking in with a very beautiful woman dressed like a high-class hooker (she had on an orange mini-dress. Only two kinds of women can pull that look off, hookers or Paris Hilton types). I don’t care if she was a hooker or a nun. It’s none of my business, which reminds me of Bill’s riff on gay marriages, and how Republicans moan that it threatens the sanctity of marriage. “Who’s marriage?” he asked.

One last thing: Maher pointed out that no one was held responsible in this country for 9/11, and the only person to get fired over it was him.

The world would be a better place if the media called a rabbit a rabbit like Maher does. Not being an evangelical, I can’t claim a personal relationship with Jesus, but if we were buds, I think we’d go out in the woods and fire our guns in a noisy, redneck salute to Mr. Maher.