Normally, I make futile attempts at humor when I write this blog. This time, it’s straight up because I want to write about a subject that is devoid of anything funny. The BTK Strangler is getting 10 life sentences, because the killings took place before Kansas reinstated the death penalty. This case has made me realize that I’m actually all for the death penalty. I’ve always been a bit neutral on the topic in the past, which is odd since it’s a passionate subject, and when it comes to passionate subjects, I usually have an opinion. With this case, I’ve actually stopped and thought about capital punishment for two seconds, and I’ve realized that I don’t care if someone was tortured as a child and is now mentally unstable. Crazy is no excuse for the sick things this twisted F#!k did.
I can’t think of a death sentence appropriate enough for this sick motherf$*, unfortunately. He’d love anything twisted or perverted. Is there such a thing as a boring death sentence? I guess the chemicals they inject could be considered boring, though I’ve read that they actually do cause pain. Fine. Shoot him up, but make sure to inject a little Borax into the cocktail.
This will not happen. We can only hope that when he goes to jail, the other badasses will make him wish he was never born. That’s a good start.