August 11, 2005

Open Up the Flood Gates

I have a new best friend. This guy,here, James Chaney, left the Republican party because, surprise, the “GOP had drifted so far from its traditional moorings in honesty, practicality and common sense so as to be unrecognizable to many rank-and-filers like me.” Or me!

What’s heartwarming is that he got flooded with emails and phone calls from others who shared his same disgust with the party.

Of course, it seems to me that no matter what party is in office, they end up pissing off their own members so that you always see a flood of departures from one party to the other. Back and forth we go. One moment we’re all liberal, the next conservative. Okay, I feel a tangent coming on about our nation’s ADD, but, let me just relish in this one moment to say thank you to Mr. James Chaney. Welcome to the other side. If you stay a while, I’m sure we’ll have you good and disgusted again in no time.