I now have three blogs, which is stupid. I barely keep up this one. Bourbon Decay promotes my book, and the new one, Audacious Ink is simply a blog on marketing and marketing strategy. Then there is this one, which is devoted to people behaving badly, or said another way, a verbal vehicle for my menopausal rants.
I am on Phase 2 of the South Beach diet, or as I call this phase, Finally, I can drink again. But I can only drink red wine. The good news is I usually only drink red wine when I'm drinking. So last night, I shared a lovely bottle of Origins Margaux with my husband. I would have linked to the Origins site, but you can only buy the wine at Albertsons. There is an Origin website, for what I believe is South African wine --- not the same. Albertsons did a great job of getting moderly priced wines from around the world under their own label.
My rambling point that I am trying to make is I am too lazy to blog on three sites today, so check out Audacious Ink where I blog about the I Hate Your Kids T-shirts sold on gawker.