I've never liked Obama (I LOVE YOU HILLARY!) but now I'm really annoyed. I don't know these women, but they owe him the apology, unless they are coming from the McCain campaign, which would explain a lot. What were those women thinking? Let's be brutally honest here: there are people in this country who will not vote for Obama because one of his parent's happened to be Muslim and some people out there are just not smart enough to figure out that being Muslim doesn't mean you are in Al Queda. Surely those two women know this, Obama knows it, the campaign volunteers knew it and the racists who voted for Hillary because she's white and not half/black with a Muslim parent know it. Do these women want him to win or not? I don't even like him and I want him to win because the alternative is McCain.
Is it unfair that these women cannot sit behind Obama, wearing their headscarves? Here's my answer: Religion causes too many problems so who cares? It causes war, it causes prejudice, it is fabulous at creating social distinction, and it more often than not, encourages bad behavior (The meek shall inherit the Earth? How about those with balls?).
If these women want Obama to win, if anyone wants Obama to win, they have to realize that this is not a cute beauty pageant. McCain's camp is going to get downright dirty the closer election day comes, and just as the Rev. Wright thing won't go away, neither will the racists out there who won't vote for him because of his heritage, black, Muslim, abnormally large-eared and stick-like (I digress on those last two points. I said I didn't like him, but I'm voting for him. So give me a break).
If you look at the post ABC did on Obama apologizing, there is a comment from someone out there in Cyberspace. This person said. "Am not surprised for Obama apologizing to the Muslim women because he is still a Muslim and he is going to sell out to the Muslim world because it runs in his veins."
You know what that comment is? It's a vote for McCain. Granted, it's a vote for McCain by a stupid person, but there are a lot of scary people out there who think that way and they will all vote for McCain. Therefore, I'll say it again: Obama doesn't owe them an apology. They put his campaign workers in a bad situation. They put him in a lose/lose situation.
I think what I'm most angry about is I have to defend him on this issue. Did I mention this earlier: I LOVE YOU HILLARY!