It's like having the perfect bar band experience, but in a stadium.
Why can't everything in life be as simple and great as a Springsteen show? Why can't Obama be Hillary? Why can't McCain be Hillary? Now that I think about it, why can't Hillary be Bruce? Why are we bothering with Obama and McCain as our presidential candidates? Let's put Slash and Bruce up there. We need Slash so I have someone to make fun of, and to be the bad guy to Bruce's good guy. Then Bruce would win come November 2 and we would have a great rock and roll president. Sure, he would be weak on foreign policy: though don't forget, during the Magic and Rising tours, fans overseas said that the only good thing about America was Bruce (only a true Bruce fan would get misty remembering that one). Yes, Bruce would probably suck on the economy, though he is rich and is one rock star that didn't piss his money away, so he must know a thing or two about making---and keeping---money.
So we would have a president who is weak on foreign policy and weak on the economy. Hey, we have that now. Bruce could at least write a killer song about how screwed up the country is. He could donate the proceeds to charity and save some poor children in some backwater area. He could clean up the alligators that are now roaming Florida streets (I swear, the news is down right Biblical these days. I'm on the verge of going Baptist).
Bruce, I love you. Seriously, you light up my life Debbie Gibson-style, you rock my world, and to paraphrase you, you're the one (allusion to a Bruce song here). Keep the tour going. Don't quit. I'll keep spending my money to see you. Thanks for a glimpse into the Promised Land (yep, another allusion to a song).