So when I learned that McCain had picked a woman as his VP, this is what I heard: McCain picked a Dumb Whore as his running mate.
Okay, Dumb Whore is harsh. How about Not Thinking Things Through Clearly Female Who May or May Not Be a Dumb Whore?
When I said I wouldn't vote for Obama, I never said I'd freaking vote for McCain. I think they are both terrible candidates. Awful. McCain is quickly proving to me that he can actually make Obama look slightly better just by being so patronizing to Hillary's staunch supporters. First, when he ran that ad about Obama having too much ego to select Hillary as his VP, I thought, okay, he's dead-on, but that was a bad move. We see through that.
Then, when he ran the ad from the chicky (she doesn't get to be called a woman) who is casting her vote for McCain since Hillary isn't a choice, I thought, "Okay, I'm in marketing, and that is just stupid. No one will see through that."
Well, evidently, if the polls are right, 27% of Hillary supporters are voting for McCain. That's a lot of smart people hit upside the head with the dumb whore-stick. I think half of them are men, too, but as I said in one of my last posts, men (thank you John Edwards) get to be whores, too.
I just don't get why not voting for Obama means you have to vote for McCain. Ralph Nader is a good man, true to liberal ideals, in fact, much more true than Obama. I mean, if you don't want to do a write-in, fine, I understand, writing takes efforts. So check off Nader, or hell, do what 3/4 of my democrat pals are asking me to do and suck it up and vote for Obama, which at this rate I may be forced to do if McCain doesn't stop offending my marketing sensibility. Number one rule of political marketing: Connect with your audience. #2 Rule, Don't underestimate their intelligence.
So by picking a woman, McCain hasn't secured this girl's vote. McCain, you're horrible. You win today's Dumb Whore award. I had a sneaking feeling that despite the fact that I absolutely DEPLORE Obama and he bores me beyond belief, and, and, I still don't know what he stands for other than a boring orator, you are clearly a worse choice than him, simply because you are such a blatant panderer. Shame, McCain. Shame on you. And shame on the people on TV right now who are not calling a spade (or a dumb whore) a spade (or a dumb whore). I'm calling you out, old man.