August 08, 2008

Giving fair time to men sluts

Yesterday, I posted about sluts, the female kind. John Edwards reminded me that it takes two to tango, and men can be sluts, too.

I use to like John Edwards, at least I did in the 2004 elections. I saw him at the Democratic debate in November in Vegas and I walked away thinking, "hmmm, he's a little slimy." Of course, after that night, I was a Hillary girl lock, stock and barrel. 

Then today, I was at the gym and on the treadmill, sweating in ways humans are not meant to sweat, when I looked up at the TV monitor and saw the headlines. For the next 45 minutes, while I lost water weight, I regained some of my memory: "Hey, I forgot how much I don't like this guy."

What kind of animal has an affair on his wife who has cancer? A sociopathic one who has no feelings.

I know a sociopath here in LA who is a huge narcissist. His partner is a lovely person through and through, yet this sociopath is not happy unless he's making that partner, and most everyone else, feel small. He cheats as easily as the rest of us breathe, and he thinks nothing of it. I thought he might be the world's most selfish person, until I learned this news about Edwards. Come on, your wife has cancer. This is how you show her you are there for her?

What Elizabeth Edwards does now is her business. Personally, if I were her, I'd grab him by the balls, twist hard and say, "F' her now, slimeball." But I've been there and done that.

We take vows in our lives to love and honor someone else. Even if we don't take vows the traditional way, our language is peppered with saying like, "I'm in a committed relationship." Those are words that are intended to mean something. But these days, relationships are evidently made of the same quality as Korean toilette paper.

A good man may be hard to find, but a hard man, well, he's in the voting booth right next to you.