I asked Team Lablogda to weigh in on the big event(s) of the year. Here is what they said:
Ironhuff sez:
Republicans have the hottest Gay Porn.
Mark Foley's instant messages will go down in the Gay Porn Hall of Fame. His folksy banter and "Coach" like demenor have a seductive quality that puts Michael Jackson to shame. Perhaps he could team up and Michael could start with the boys when they are around 11 years and once they lose their last ounce of boyhood, Foley could take over. That's the problem with sexual repression. I'll take a good old fashioned c__k sucking Democrat who revels in the sexual freedom of consenting adults, over a deeply repressed, closeted, God-Fearing, gun toting Republican who seems to grasp their guns in some sort of Freudian substitution for the man-rod they would rather be clasping.
ViewfromABroad sez:
Event of the Year:
Rumsfeld stepping down. No if ands or buts about it.
2nd Place: South Dakota voting out that nightmare abortion law (should try to get you some details on that). Ha.Ha.Ha.
What else puts the yippee in my skippee:
Jeff Skilling is finally going 'to the big house' - though I think he should've had time added to his sentence for Kenneth Lay's untimely death. Those f____rs owe us all big time.
2nd place prize for untimely death: Augusto Pinochet. So pissed that he never had to stand trial by a jury of what couldn't possibly be his peers, they would've had too much integrity-
Word of the Year: Schaudenfreude
the happiness I felt when I looked at the photo of Bill Frist leaving the building...
Frankie sez:
Event(s) of the year:
Demo's take control of the House and Senate -- the significance is just to obvious.
Stay the course in Iraq -- full steam ahead (catch phrases from the Pres and Veep). This is similar to the "light at the end of the tunnel" phrase used by Nixon during Viet Nam. Unfortunately the light at the end of the tunnel was a freight train coming at us. I fear the same will be true of Iraq - only worse. Americans finally come to grips with what happens when we try to "impose" US style democracies. 2006 really marked the turning point in the polls. Iraq will be seen as another misadventure, but on a colossal scale.
Binx sex:
Event of the year:
All of the above. However, for me, it culminated this past Thursday. I was home from work, watching "The View," which I have only seen a couple times during its run. The only two people I recognize are Barabara and Rosie. There is a skinny Republican chick, and a chunky Democratic chick. The Chunky one is going off on Bush, how he doesn't read the papers, doesn't seek advice, doesn't listen to anyone, and is basically a huge loser. The Audience APPLAUD WILDLY. I may not know a lot abou "The View," but I know Middle America likes it. And that applause in the studio audience was Middle America, namely the women, giving a big flip off to George W. Bush. It's official. The country has shifted. We are done with Redneck Republicans. Happy F_____g New Year, everyone.
Word of the Year: It's a cliche, but I gotta go with Truthiness. It may be a real word, but coming from W, it was just downright funny. And that's the god's honest truthiness.