In case anyone out there thinks I won’t skewer democrats, I’m about to take aim at the big Kahuna. I’m disappointed in former President Clinton. When CCN asked him if he thought federal relief was slow, he said, “You and I are not in a position to make any judgment because we weren’t there.” A simple “Yes,” would have been fine, President Clinton. Even if you had said, “Yes, but . . .”
The comments posted on Arriana Huffington’s site to this blog are quite interesting. Most people defended Clinton. Maybe they are staunch Republicans who will never admit our Government, particularly the current one, can make a mistake. Relief could have come quicker. They knew this might happen. They knew it. Why weren’t they prepared? Someone should be fired or impeached, and there are still people out there in this country who just don’t care.
And speaking of that, where’s Jimmy Carter in all this? Will no one but bloggers stand up to Bush? I guess there really are no political heros.