Um, I hope my boss doesn’t read the papers. He might get ideas if he gets wind of W’s latest coup. Of all the disgusting mistakes the Prez has made since Katrina hit (or period), this has got be the worst. He has issued an executive order allowing federal contractors (his buddies) to pay below the prevailing wage in the devastated areas. If he thinks those areas are the only things devastated, he hasn’t asked the workers how they feel about his order.
Okay, for all two of you die-hard Republicans reading this, tell me, do you actually prefer this cock-eyed half-wit whose biggest talent is being smug to Clinton’s sex scandals? I don’t think that W’s daddy would even do such a thing like this. I’m not even sure Reagan would have done this. I’m just, once again, floored by this guy. And I’m even more floored that he still has a strong base of supporters. This is a Wake Up and Smell the Coffee moment if I ever saw one.