I’m back from Hong Kong, and I was horrified to learn that while I was gone, Cheney underwent surgery, and W took over as president.
Turns out, he did a great job! No new wars were started, pus, Rove learned from his mistakes with Katrina and had W do smart-acting things. I think I should leave the country more often.
Cheney made it through surgery with flying colors, which proves that if there is a god, he does not listen to my prayers. Of course, maybe he did and disagreed with me, thinking it’s better to have Cheney/Rove at the helm than to actually have W running things. He’s probably right – it’s best to just let W (and his woefully jack-assy supporters) think he’s running things.
On an ironic note, while in Hong Kong, we had a level 3 typhoon. I didn’t think it was a big deal till I read the daily English paper, which referred to Rita as the same kind of typhoon. Either the report was wrong, or those folks in Hong Kong really know how to withstand a hurricane.
By the way, if you should find yourself in Hong Kong, go with the intention of dieting, unless your idea of a good meal is pork knuckles with jelly fish, or sliced pig’s ear. My advice, if you like sushi, get your hepatitis A shot and dine at Wasabisabi every night. It was the only good meal in town.
When I finally recover from my trip (my body is 15 hours ahead and thinks I should be either sleeping or eating chicken maw) I will try to entertain you with a travel log of my journey. In the meantime, I need to bond all over with my cat, Sammy Davis, Jr, whose abandonment issues are acting up. He doesn't understand that gifts from the litter box are actually not gifts -- and in this case, it is not the thought that counts.