January 16, 2005

Ashlee Simpson isn’t on your list?

I’m probably the last person on Earth to know about the Rapture Index (again, thanks Betsy for pointing me to AndrewTobias.com where I learned about it), but wow, we have a grading scale for everything don’t we? The folks at Rapture Ready (how do they know they are ready and won’t be, -- cue dramatic music-- left behind?) have come up with an index to keep us informed as to where we stand with the Rapture. Right now, we are at 155, which isn’t as bad as it’s been (Whew! I’m going to Negril in April and I’d hate for the Rapture to ruin my vacation!) but, hey, you homosexuals good news, you’re only at a three because “every gay marry supporters looses support.” Huh? That’s what it says, I’m just reporting what I read. Even drug abuse only gets a “2.” Number 34 on the Index is the AntiChrist. In their legend, Rapture Ready (love the name) explains that this scores a 3 because the EU is looking for a new President. I DID NOT get the memo that the EU was evil. Could someone please forward that to me?

The categories for Supernatural, Satanism and Liberalism only score a 1. I thought the ACLU would score higher than a freaking 1! Come on, RR, give them a 2 and tie those bad dogs with Drug Abuse.

Is this site a joke that I didn’t get? If so, I’m going to feel real foolish.