January 20, 2005

Comments Weekend!

What's bugging you? Is it the $40 million for W's inauguration? Does the wacky weather have you all wet? Are back-stabbing colleagues cutting too deep? Tell La Blogda all about it, just hit "Comments" below. First Place wins . . . gratitude -- and the admiration of a vast readership of, oh, say 30 people.

Or, if you are in the Vegas area, I'll buy you a drink at the lovely Stardust Casino.

Deadline: Sunday night January 23, 2005.

As for me, I'm super bugged by W's inauguration. I still can't figure out how people could have voted for him. He's arrogant to a fault, he sounds like someone's illiterate cousin from Texas (How come Jeb doesn't sound that stuipd), he proudly doesn't read, and his politics border on a monarchy (I'm being nice by using the word monarchy). Most of all, why are we spending $40 million on the inaugriation? Couldn't we buy something for the soldiers in Iraq? W is a low brow (and proud of it), can't him and a few select friends just go to Taco Bell, drive though, and call it a party? It seems wrong that a country so divided on a president has to throw him a damn festival. It's like honoring Beelzebub!