January 12, 2005

Earthquakes, mudslides, blizzards and really, really bad hair

The talking heads were discussing Nature all across the cable and network news this morning. Everyone’s wondering why the weird stuff is happening all at once, and, of course, the God Squad is convinced it is the end of the world.

What ever happened to the basic high school education the majority of the population (in the US) had? Since when is there a causal relationship between an earthquake in India and a blizzard in a fly-over state?

Were people this stupid during the Clinton years? Did the media pander so low in the past? I know they’ve been annoying for a long, long time, but really.

While I know that the Pineapple Express pounding the West Coast has nothing to do with the Tsunamis, what I don’t know is if there is a causal relationship between the rise of Evangelical Christians and really idiotic news reporting. I feel so insulted that the media has even gone there with this end-of-the world stuff. It looks like I’m actually going to have to start getting my news from E! News Daily. At least I’ll know what’s going on with Jude Law. Upside!

And speaking of causal relationships, in my next blog, I’ll discuss raptureready.com and its wild and wacky Rapture Ready Index. Has anyone seen my rosary? I feel a confession coming on.