January 29, 2005

Saturday Deserves Two Posts

I am usually way too lazy to make two posts in one day, but I wanted to comment on both Iraq and SpongeBob, because together, they represent the craziness George Bush and the Religious Right have created (not that I blame the Religious Right for Iraq, but they sure helped get Bush elected).

Now on to SpongeBob.

It’s official. He is not gay. I repeat, SpongeBob is not a queen. He’s asexual, which begs the question, well then is he is a part of the Christian right? At least this explains those odd pants. He's not worried about his looks because he's not trying to get laid.

SpongeBob's creator, Stephen Hillenburg, 43, said the allegations that SB is gay are far-fetched. The cartoon is all about fun and entertainment.

"It doesn't have anything to do with what we're trying to do," Hillenburg told Reuters.

Radio evangelist James Dobson, among whose top political issues are opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion rights, said last week SpongeBob had been included in a "pro-homosexual video."

"Their inclusion of the reference to 'sexual identity' within their 'tolerance pledge' is not only unnecessary but it crosses a moral line," said Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family.

SpongeBob is one of the stars of a music video due to be sent to 61,000 U.S. schools in March. The makers -- the nonprofit We Are Family Foundation -- say the video is designed to encourage tolerance and diversity.

Hillenburg, who is married with a 6-year-old son, says he thinks there are "more important issues to worry about."

Such as people like Dobson and the influence they wield.