January 07, 2005

Snow job in Vegas

Hell has frozen over, does this mean that I have to turn Republican?

Seriously, it snowed today in Vegas. It's never supposed to snow in Vegas. That's why we moved here. Of course, it snowed here about the same time last year. People in town were so darn giddy that the desert looked like a winter wonderland, that I can't muster up the anger to write about anyone behaving badly. The closest I can come to it is by providing a link below about Brad Pitt and Jennnifer Aniston's break up. It's a shame we'll never get to see the results of their procreation, but maybe for us normal mortals, it's a good thing. We just have one less star to envy. And, wait, here's the people behaving badly connection, face it, we love it when bad things happen to fortunate people. It makes us feel better about our own mundane lives. Walker Percy covered this best in his wonderful book, Lost in the Cosmos. So for the rest of you today who weren't giddy from the season's first/only snow, here's an article on these two fabulous stars' breakup. Their heartache is your little "oh good, someone else is unhappy, too," moment. And if you have nothing to read (which is what I plan to do since the streets are full of slush) try a Walker Percy novel. Any book will do, but my personal fave is The Moviegoer. Talk about Coming of age angst, Binx Bolling has it in spades.