January 06, 2005

Well that’s not very ladylike

Women Concerned For America oppose a liberal agenda and are even known to go after conservative groups that don’t tow their line. This group is opposed to your standard Christian Right sore spots: Abortion, gay marriage, disagreeing with them, vegetarians, PETA, ACLU . . . you know, the typical stuff that “Good Christians” hate. (By the way, did Jesus have all that many bugaboos? He didn’t strike me as the pissy type). What’s not laughable is that they evidently oppose hate crime legislation. Their logic? If you make attacks on gays a special crime, it then appears the government approves of homosexuality. How is advocating violence Christian? Sounds like the devil got into these girls, that or they’re looking for a good jihad. Click on the title of this post to go to an article about these wild women