Ahh, Election Year 2000. W promised a nice bi-partisan administration, where dems and reps worked like a team. Fast forward. Let's see what his minions are up to:
"The judicial incompetence and political hatred that Ronnie Earle showed today demonstrates that Texans did not elect their best and brightest to the position of Travis County DA," DeLay spokesman Stuart Roy said. "Ronnie Earle may truly be the Elmer Fudd of politics." Sounds like team work to me.
"Ronnie Earle has stooped to a new low with his brand of prosecutorial abuse," DeLay said in a statement. "He is trying to pull the legal equivalent of a 'do-over' since he knows very well that the charges he brought against me last week are totally manufactured and illegitimate. This is an abomination of justice." A simple, "I'm guilty" would also work here, Mr. DeLay.
Hey Republicans, keep up the stellar work. You are holding dear the highest standard of ethics you embrace: lying, cheating, winning at all costs, circling the wagons, denying, defending the crones, keeping the sandbox to yourselves. God Bless America. The Republicans are still in charge.My guess is they will be for a long time. Anyone who thinks this is the beginning of the end for them obviously believed Kerry would win the 2004 election. As if They would let that happen.