I just had my heart in my throat thanks to a big misread of the headlines on my part. I read, “Cheney Resigns After Indictment.” For a nano-second, my body and brain were nearly torn apart from the impulses each had. My body was racing to the phone, while my brain was going, “wow, there actually may be a god.” Then my eyes retraced their steps and I saw that I had left out the word, “advisor,” after Cheney. It’s a good day, not a great day, as a result.
On second thought, if Cheney resigned, W would put his little dyke pal in the VP seat, and then all those moderate Republicans would get insane ideas about how wouldn’t it be neat if the first woman president were also black. Yes it would, if she were pro choice.
If this happens, then we’ll have to hear Republicans blather on about how they freed the slaves, and how they really are the more progressive party – as if doing things like banning stem cell research, blocking decent gun control laws, and overturning Roe v. Wade are progressive. You think Republicans are insufferable now, just wait. While I’m happy to see Frist, DeLay, Cheney, Rove and lil’ Scooter fall, I can’t shake this feeling that it won’t mar the Republican party. I think we’ll have an Elephant in the White House come 2008, and I’m not just talking about the GOP mascot.
See how I can turn good news into misery? It’s true, I must be a Democrat.