Democrats are gloating that W’s approval rating is down to 39%. I say, “WHAT???” Who are those 39% and are they in the midst of a stroke?
What does it take for his base to erode? Are they just sheep? Do they just tow the party line? I don’t understand these hanger-ons anymore than I understand why there are people out there who want Roe v. Wade overturned, or why no one is discussing W’s funky eyes. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIS EYES? Is he cockeyed or are they just so close together he’s a step away from a monacle? Is this what is meant by shifty-eyed, and if so, why did a tiny fraction over half of the country elect him?
The world has gone mad and I’m feeling like I’m the last person with a bottle of Prozac in my medicine cabinet.