May 08, 2005

But Harry, Politics is Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid called President Bush "a loser" during a civics discussion with a group of teenagers at a high school on Friday. Things were off to a good start, until the good senator lost his nerve.

“The man's father is a wonderful human being," Reid said while talking to students at Del Sol High School. "I think this guy is a loser."

Evidently, Reid was having a senior moment when he made the first statement, and thought that W’s daddy was Jimmy Carter.

The Democrats have been showing a lot of strength lately, and Reid has been the man showing the most balls. Unfortunately, he wasn’t feeling like his new self that day, and after the event called the White House to apologize. He spoke with the advisor to both Bush and Satan, Karl Rove, asking him to convey the apology to Bush, who was traveling in Europe at the time, though he thought he was touring North Korea. It’s all the same to him.

Reid expressed "regret for the comments, that it was inappropriate," Hafen said. But it wasn’t, Senator. Didn’t your mama teach you, never be afraid to speak the truth?

RNC spokesman Brian Jones called Reid's statement "a sad development but not surprising from the leader of a party devoid of optimism, ideas or solutions to the issues people care about most."

Despite the implied connotation that Jones was referring to the Democrats, insiders say that he was actually referring to W and the RNC. Later Jones confessed that those probably weren’t the wisest choice of words to describe his party and their leader, but his mama always told him to speak the truth.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mothers.