May 16, 2005

Missed Headline Opportunities Over Flushed Quran Story

There’s nothing funny about the deadly protests in Afghanistan over a flawed Newsweek story claiming U.S investigators had found evidence of desecration of the Quran at Guantanamo Bay. Let’s be honest, though: Newsweek screwed up big time (message to media, when will you learn? You are supposed to report the truth, not hearsay). What nobody is saying because it’s such a horrible tacky thing to say, and I’m a horrible, tacky person, is this: what the hell? Those people protested over a flushed bible? Okay, it’s the Quran, not the Bible. You say tomato, I say Bloody Mary. Honestly, if you’re pissed because someone is desecrating your holy book, Get over it! What’s really bugging you? Is it your mother? How about your Daddy? Do you feel rejected? Well, if so, no wonder. You’re freaky for protesting over a flushed book. If I had a dime for every time an agent flushed my manuscript down the toilet I wouldn’t have time to sit here and complain about fundamentalists protestors.

More to the point, the media missed a great opportunity here. They could have had fun with headlines. Imagine this: “Down the Toilet: US Relations with Afghanistan hits the Sewer.”

“Fundamentalist Flushed Over Quran”
“Quran Story Load of Crap!”
“Newsweek Poo-pooed Quran Facts”
“Newsweek Blushed Over Quran Flush”
“Fundamentalist Declare Jihad on Infidel Toilets”