May 17, 2005

Murdoch is Shamed in a Fair and Balanced Way

News Hound has voted Rupert Murdoch into their Big Media Hall of Shame. As usual, I’m late in posting this. That’s why I’m La Blogda and not the NYT. Real reporters don’t schedule the news in between the singers on “American Idol.”

Regarding his award, I’m sure Rupert isn’t even fazed, if he knows about it at all. Ruppie has won tons of awards by big dogs. Nonetheless, I’m really proud of him for this win. After all, he created the Fair and Balanced Media. I mean, as I write this I just switched off Bo from American Idol to look at Zell Miller and Bill O’Reilly talk about Howard Dean on Fox News. I ask you, what could be a more fair and balanced segment? O’Reilly just called Dean a “mean guy,” who does juvenile things. Uh-huh, well, maybe he hasn’t heard about Tom DeLay or Dick Cheney, or for that matter, any of the major player Republicans.

Wait! It gets better! Miller just said Newsweek incited a riot and that’s a criminal offense. O’Reilly replied that Newsweek didn’t do it on purpose - probably. He then compared it to the “Rather situation.” I don’t watch his show much, but when I do, he’s always bringing up the “Rather Situation.”

Okay, so, none of this seems fair and balanced. It sounds like two Republicans who aren’t supposedly Republicans bashing Democrats.

Now Miller just plugged his book saying if you liked his speech at the Republican National Convention, you’ll like his book. I won’t be buying that book.

Oooh, as they went to commercial, Bill teases that in the next segment, he is going to talk about the appalling story that some magazine compared Hanoi Jane Fonda to Ben Franklin. “Can you believe that?” Bill asked.

Fair and balanced TV. Thank Mr. Murdoch.