May 12, 2005

Let’s Just Get Out of Reilly’s Sandbox

Bill O’Reilly disturbs me. He makes a ton of money, so why doesn’t he get those hooded eyelids of his fixed? Wait a second, that wasn’t going to be my argument against him. Oh yeah, I remember: why doesn’t he admit that he is one of the founders of the Republican’s Get Out of My Sandbox mentality? Sure, he’ll tell you he’s not a Republican, but as my former boss once said to me, “if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, then it must be a duck.” Of course, he was talking about the office whore, but you get my gist.

Apart from being a closeted Republican, the fellow is big on inaccuracies in his reporting. He’s worse than me, and that’s bad. He also does it with extreme arrogance, and that combined with a slew of false statements makes him a poster child for La Blogda (next to W, Cheney, DeLay, etc). On May 10, O’Reilly took the Houston Chronicle to task over an editorial on sexual offenders and how Florida is dealing with them. He said, “the Chronicle has taken a lot of shots at me, so it must be left of center.” Hmmm, sounds like he doesn’t like Democrats. Maybe it’s because he’s a Republican.

Because I’m super lazy, here’s a good story
on the inaccuracies of this particular segment. Many thanks to the real journalist who wrote this. Hey, the least I can do is link.