May 30, 2005

What?! NOW you don’t like Bush?

According to a recent poll poll, Bush’s ratings are down. While I would normally consider this good news, geez, folks, did you have to wait so long to decide you don’t like the guy? Couldn’t you have decided that before the 2004 election? Do you know how many bets I lost on that election? I want a refund. This limousine democrat isn’t buying much Prada these days and baby could use a new pair of over-priced Italian shoes.

To be fair, even I think this poll sounds skewed. Of the 1,006 adults polled 36% call themselves Democrats while 29% say they consider themselves Republican. That doesn’t seem consistent with the rest of the country, especially if you go back and look at the various demographics tossed around during the last election. Maybe the poll was taken in San Francisco, my old stomping grounds. Oh well, as we say in marketing, good press is great press, especially if it’s not bad.